Terms of Service

Prohibited content

We do not allow images which depict racism, bestiality, child pornography, explicit pornography and other illegal content. If you do upload anything which violates these terms expect the image(s) to be deleted and for you to be banned from uploading and viewing any further images.


NSFW is allowed. These are contents which you don't normally open at work or with your family around but not necessarily adult content. However, pornography is not allowed.

Nudity and Anime

Under restricted use policy we allow to upload of nudity and anime content for personal use only. This has to be kept as private under your profile and not actively shared or hot-linked on other sites. Explicit pornographic contents are not allowed unless it is an anime.

Image Storage

All image uploaded by our registered users under their account are stored for lifetime free. While images uploaded as guest will expire after one year from date of upload.

Fair Usage

All images directly viewed on our website will have unlimited bandwidth without any restrictions. While we allow hot-linking, images consuming more than 100GB hot-linking bandwidth within a week will be temporally taken down. Accounts with more than 50,000 images will be restricted or closedown after warning.

Inactive accounts

Accounts without any upload activity in past 2 years will be closed down after email notice.

DMCA and Copyright

We respect copyright of original owners and will respond to valid DMCA takedown notices of alleged copyright infringement. Our response to valid takedown notices will be to remove the infringing material at the earliest possible opportunity.

Misuse of Service

While we offer our service without any limits, any methods to abuse our service will not be allowed and account/IP engaging in abuse will be banned.

More Help

If you need more help regarding our terms of service, please contact us using contact us page.

Muokkaa tai muuta kuvan kokoa osoittamalla kuvan esikatselua
Muokkaa kuvaa koskettamalla kuvan esikatselua
Ladataan 0 kuva (0% valmis)
Ladataan kuvia, kestää vielä hetken.
Lähettäminen valmis
Ladattu sisältö lisätty . Voit luo uusi albumi juuri ladatun sisällön.
Ladattu sisältö lisätty .
Voit luo uusi albumi juuri ladatun sisällön. You must luo uusi käyttäjätunnus or kirjaudu sisään to save this content into your account.
Yhtään kuva ei ladattu
Some errors have occurred and the system couldn't process your request.
    Kirjaudu to be able to create private albums and delete images after upload.
    Huomio: Joitakin kuvia ei voitu lähettää. lue lisää
    Katso virheraportti saadaksesi lisätietoja.